Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Sponsor Sydney

PS. If you want to sponsor Sydney the dog's efforts to complete the walk, just click here!

A dry run for the sponsored walk

A report from Dee Hazell, one of our fundraising team, on a trial-run for the sponsored walk taking place later this month:
Five of us and Sid the dog, set off from St Peter's church Eynsham, the plan was to try out the route for the Gatehouse Moving Home sponsored walk which will take place on September 25th.

On reaching the Swinford Bridge we picked up the Thames Path, a delightful scenic route back to Oxford - not a hill in sight.
Kings Lock was the perfect spot for a welcoming break and as we came across Port Meadow the reward was the sight of an Ice Cream seller!
Sid kept the pace up with his boundless energy and the occasional dip in the Thames, plus a little detour to avoid the nosey cows and sheep - he's a very friendly dog!
We were fortunate to have had ideal walking weather, the threatened rain stayed away, very little mud on the towpaths, a very achievable 5.5 miles: definitely a family route.
The sponsor forms are ready, we hope plenty of you will sign up for the Gatehouse Sponsored Walk.

Find out more:

The Eynsham to Oxford Sponsored Walk: Finding our way home


Walk with us
along the Thames path in aid of the Moving Home appeal


September 25th, 2011, starting at 2pm


Meeting at St Peter’s car park, Abbey Place, Eynsham

What do I need to know?

Length of walk: about 5.59 miles (you see - we're pretty precise!); families welcome

What do I need to do?
Can you help us in either of the following ways?

  1. Join us for the walk?
  2. Sponsor our team at their special justgiving page or send a cheque payable to “The Gatehouse” to 18 St Michael’s Street, Oxford, OX1 2DU

For more information and sponsorship forms, please visit our website or contact Andrew on

Sunday, 21 August 2011

A video of life at the Gatehouse

Hi all: here's a short video outlining life at the Gatehouse. It's quite old, but thought you might be interested:

Remember, there are lots of ways of donating to the 'Moving Home' appeal:
  1. Via our fundraising page: in just a few clicks, you'll be able to donate safely and securely via the just-giving system. 
  2. Via text message 
  3. Or, if you'd like to find out more about other ways of donating, such as by cheque or by standing order, take a look at this page
Thanks again for your support.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

How did the Artwork Exhibition go ?

We owe you an update on the Gatehouse art exhibition ...

Well, we're pleased to say it was a great success. It took place on Saturday 16th July at St Giles church on the Woodstock Road. There was a great atmosphere, with lots of visitors and conversations about the art-work prepared by our Gatehouse guests. The artists themsleves were fully involved and had a great time 'selling' their work to all and sundry!

Just to let you know that the sale of artwork, plus cakes, cards and books as well, raised £302.71 in total for the Moving Home appeal. Thanks so much!

And here are a couple of photos from the event:


Monday, 15 August 2011

News from David Egan's sponsored walk ...

Wow, there's so much to update you on just now...

Do you remember our previous post about David Egan? David proposed to walk from Land's End to John O'Groats, all for the Moving Home appeal! His aim was to raise 1% of the total we need to move into their new premises.

Well, how did he do? 

He managed to walk 280km and raised over £730.  Thank you to David and all his friends and family who supported him.

And here he is, mid way through the walk:

Thanks so much to David for all his hard work on behalf of the appeal.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Marshalling at the Abingdon marathon

The Abingdon Marathon takes place every year in Oxfordshire: this year, the organisers have kindly offered a £250 donation, plus a cut of the monies raised, to the Moving Home appeal if we can get 10 volunteers together to help with the marshalling. 

It's on 16th October and would require quite an early start. Is anyone able to volunteer to stand for a few hours and cheer people? 

If you can help please send an email to Thanks.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

And here's the flyer ...

Read it, download it, share it ....
The Moving Home Sponsored Walk Flyer

Walk with us and help us find our way home ...

OK, so many of you will have heard about the Gatehouse Sponsored Walk, and many of you are doing all sorts of different things to promote and organise it. Thanks to all of you. And if you haven't, here's some information you may be interested in ...

The Eynsham to Oxford Sponsored Walk
: Finding our way home


Walk with us
along the Thames path in aid of the Moving Home appeal


September 25th, 2011, starting at 2pm


Meeting at St Peter’s car park, Abbey Place, Eynsham

What do I need to know?

Length of walk: about 5.59 miles (you see - we're pretty precise!); families welcome

What do I need to do?
Can you help us in either of the following ways?

  1. Join us for the walk?
  2. Sponsor our team at their special justgiving page or send a cheque payable to “The Gatehouse” to 18 St Michael’s Street, Oxford, OX1 2DU

For more information and sponsorship forms, please visit our website or contact Andrew on

We'll be posting the leaflet for the event in the next post - in case you need it. And of course, we'll be posting with more information on this blog over the next few weeks. But in the meantime, thank you very much from all of us at the Gatehouse.

Phew ... busy as bees!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently on the Moving Home blog. 

The fundraising team have been busy bees recently: so lots more to follow, including news about our huge sponsored walk!

Keep your eyes open: we'll be posting more very soon. And look - we're registering 36% on our fundraising page

Best wishes to all our supporters ....

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Thanks to Balliol College Chapel

A big thank you to Balliol College Chapel in Oxford, which has nominated the Gatehouse to be the beneficiary for next term's collections. 

The chapel wanted to support a local homeless charity. 

Thanks for your support for the Moving Home appeal!